RI Masih Jadi Destinasi Investasi yang Menarik, Ini Alasannya
JAKARTA – Pandemi covid-19 tak dipungkiri membuat ekonomi tertekan, terutama bagi iklim investasi. Namun, Managing Director, Head of Global Markets & Securities Services PT HSBC Indonesia Ali Setiawan menilai apabila melihat dari konsensus pelaku pasar, 2021 nampaknya akan menjadi tahun yang lebih positif. “Indonesia adalah salah satu pasar…
Pulihkan Ekonomi, RI Bisa Tawarkan Investasi ke Negara Tetangga
JAKARTA –Corona Virus (Covid-19) telah membawa peluang bagi pelaku usaha, termasuk industri farmasi, makanan dan minuman, sepeda yang penjualannya naik hingga 300% serta arsitektur. Apalagi sejak adanya Work From Home (WFH), banyak orang ingin menata interior rumah mereka senyaman mungkin. “Namun saat ini konsumsi lebih banyak…
Kepastian Regulasi dan Keamanan Penting Persiapkan Ekonomi Indonesia Menuju Normal Baru
JAKARTA -Indonesia Economic Forum yang ke 7 mempertemukan para pemimpin politik, bisnis, pemerintah, pemrakarsa dan pemimpin komunitas untuk membahas visi Indonesia di tahun 2020 untuk memulihkan pertumbuhan ekonomi pasca Covid-19. Forum ini pertama kalinya akan diselenggarakan secara virtual pada Selasa-Kamis, 24-26 November 2020. Berkolaborasi dengan…
IEF 2020: Teknologi Mainkan Peranan Penting Pulihkan Ekonomi
JAKARTA -Indonesia Economic Forum (IEF) ke-7 yang berkolaborasi dengan HSBC Indonesia kembali digelar secara virtual pada Selasa-Kamis, 24-26 November 2020. Adapun Indonesia Economic Forum tahun ini mengusung tema “2020 Vision: Rebooting Economic Growth Post Covid-19.” Founder and CEO Indonesia Economic Forum Shoeb Kagda menyatakan pandemi Covid-19…
Boku launches e-wallet payments in Indonesia for a music streaming partner
Mobile payments and identity company Boku announced the introduction of e-wallet payments in Indonesia on Monday, for one of its global music streaming partners. The AIM-traded firm said it has added DANA, GoPay and OVO – three of the most popular e-wallet services in Indonesia – as…
Indonesia’s state-backed VC deploys $500 mln fund to help state firms
Indonesia’s MDI Ventures has closed a new $500-million fund designed to invest in startups that can partner with state-owned firms, the venture arm of state-backed telecoms firm Telkom said on Tuesday. The move is part of Indonesia’s strategy to make its telecoms giant more profitable…
Omnibus Bill; Insider Spills How Online ‘Influencers’ Became Buzzers
A networking group dubbed the Jaringan Bonus Demokrasi (JBD) revealed to Tempo that it had paid social media public figures and influencers to promote and rally support for the generally-controversial draft law (RUU) known as the Omnibus Bill or Omnibus Law. This online movement is notably accompanied by the hashtag,…
Indonesia c.bank predicts U-shaped economic recovery from pandemic
Indonesia’s central bank expects a U-shaped recovery for Southeast Asia’s largest economy from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, its senior deputy governor said in an online seminar on Monday. The economy likely shrunk between 4% to 4.8% in the second quarter “with a U-shaped…
BI Lowers Interest Rate as Slack Gov’t Spending Leads to Sharp Contraction in Q2
Bank Indonesia, the country central bank, has cut its benchmark interest rate to 4 percent to prop up the economy that could have shrunk by 4 percent in the second quarter this year amid the government sluggishness in spending the stimulus to counter the Covid-19 pandemic. That…
Indonesia to Pass Bicycling Rule Soon
The Ministry of Transportation will soon pass a regulation to protect cyclists. The ministry’s director general of land transportation, Budi Setiyadi, said that the rule would be issued once it was signed by Minister Budi Karya Sumadi. “We have completed the public test. We are now…